Overall client rating is 4.9 out of 5.0 for Web & Mobile App Development by 360+ Clients.


Safeguarding the integrity of sensitive information entrusted to us by our unsuspecting clients sits on the top of our priority list. With this in perspective, we sign all-inclusive non-disclosure agreement with

  • Our clients – To assure them of the safety and privacy of confidential information
  • Our Employees- To bring them under purview of ethical conduct and prevent any deliberate or inadvertent disclosure of classified data

Data Security

To ensure that unauthorized personnel don’t gain access to your critical information, we have implemented an array of robust security mechanisms and checks.

Our confidentiality consciousness is governed by our felt concern:

  • To protect client’s data to strengthen long-term professional relations
  • To facilitate making of informed and strategic decisions during solution development
  • To provide our clients definitive competitive edge over contemporaries and adversaries

Technological safeguards

  • Installation of completely hack-proof and spontaneously updating software/ hardware firewalls across all servers and workstations
  • Thorough monitoring of all suspicious activities in servers and PCs through updated anti-viruses
  • Implementation of multi-tier authentication measures to jealously guard workstation logging by authorized person and to control the information being shared from our devices

Official safeguards

  • All-encompassing web of fire alarms across office premises to detect and thwart any untoward incident
  • Round the clock monitoring of office security with high resolution CCTV cameras
  • All employees granted access to data centres through biometric fingerprint check system only
  • Unauthorized persons or guests not allowed within precincts of solution development center

Backup measures

  • Our data centres are furnished with state of the art cloud computing infrastructure to facilitate backing up of voluminous amounts of data that can be retrieved at a moment’s notice
  • Our software excellence team keeps track of the market trends and jumps on the latest security bandwagon to keep data safe

Non-Disclosure Agreement with clients

We ink Non-Disclosure Agreement with our clients after elaborating them on the issues involved in maintaining the confidentiality of intellectual property. We don’t have any cryptic clauses neither do we exploit the gullibility of our clients. Only after a candid discussion with client, the project charter is defined and development activities are initiated. We discuss at length on the quality of data being sought from prospective client, persons with whom the data would be shared, tiers of authentication available to forbid any transgression, and potential risks present.

Non-Disclosure Agreement with employees

Each employee on our rolls as well as those hired for specific projects are required to sign an all-inclusive Non-Disclosure agreement with us prior to granting them access to client’s confidential data. Employees are updated about the ethical grounds based on which commitment is taken from them for not engaging in any activity that may amount to breach of trust. Employees are made aware of the legal actions applicable if found guilty of violation.

If you have any specific queries regarding the confidentiality of your proprietary information, please feel free to write to us at “e-mail” or call us over “Number”.

We are your trusted professional ally in the journey to craft immaculate and unparalleled applications that would take your business to newer heights of success.


We Let Our Clients Speak For Us

Some of our happy clients explaining about their experience with JCasp team. We are proud to provide them with successful solutions for their business.

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